The product complies with the Regulation 1935/2004/EK
The product complies with the Regulation 2023/2006/EK
1907/2006/ EK/REACH Regulation SVHC listed by ECHA
Is in accordance with the requirements of the article 24 of ΚΤΠ
The product complies with BfR Recom mendation XXXVI
Method §30 and 31 (LFGB) for greasy, liquids and dry foods.
Method 80.56 § 64 (LFGB)
According to the standards:
EN 13430
EN 13431
EN 13432
In accordance with the requirements of Directive 94/62/EK
All inks are based on water, nontoxic and according to the requirements of CEPE.
Product for direct contact with food according to
FDA 21 CFR § 176.170.
FDA 21 CFR § 176.180.
FDA 21 CFR § 175.105.No dangerous substances are present
The paper does not contain phthalates.